Surf n Salsa was under mud and debris

When we arrived at Surf n Salsa, the mud and debris was everywhere. I can’t imagine the overwhelming feeling John felt as he looked at his business destroyed by the floods. We were next door helping a resident remove mud from their house, and we caught wind that John needed help. So we started deploying volunteers.

Community Love

Over the next few days, we had about 30 volunteers come by to help John and local business neighbors get their food trucks operational again. We had Chaplain Matt, with the Army, come out with his platoon to help with the debris and mud removal. Several church members from North Shore Christian Fellowship, One Love, and a few others came to help as well. John was forever grateful to all the fantastic people who helped restore his business to operational order. We made what would have taken weeks to accomplish, completed in a few days. Thank you to everyone who helped us with this project!


Emergency response for a community needing to re-build